lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Illa Pedra en Curtopia 2010

Do 12 ao 26 de Novembro Curtopia 2010, Vigo
Illa Pedra está no Curtopia 2010, primeira edición deste festival, organizado pola asociación xuvenil de Abertal, en Vigo. A selección oficial composta por 30 obras, previamente, se recibiran 300, será proxectada en tres bloques en diferentes días, compostos por ficción, documental e videoclips.
A gala de apertura será o venres 12 coa actuación de Silvia Superstar!
A todos os que vos apeteza pasádevos a disfrutar das proxeccións. Entrada gratuita!

From 12th to 26th November Curtopia 2010, Vigo.
Stone Island is in the first edition of Curtopia 2010 organized by the youth assotiation Abertal, vigo. The official selection is composed by 30 films from the 300 that were initially received. The films will be screened in three different sections each with documentaries, fiction and music videos.
The opening ceremony will be on the 12th of November with Silvia Superstar performance!
Feel free to come and enjoy the screenings. Free entry!

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Illa Pedra en Bragacine 2010

Illa Pedra invitada no festival de Braga, Bragacine 2010

Do 8 ao 11 de novembro terá lugar o Bragacine, entre as proxeccións, se atopa Illa Pedra, que terá lugar o luns 8 ás 12.15 da madrugada. Está convidada xunto con "A religiosa Portugesa", despois de participar no festival de cine de Ourense, no que Illa Pedra se alzou co premio do público mellor curta/premio mellor actriz e "A religiosa portuguesa" co premio mellor longametraxe.

Aos amigos que estedes por alí, animamosvos a que vos acheguedes!

Stone Island in the Bragacine 2010, (Portugal)
From 8th to 11th November will take place Bragacine film festival. Stone Island is going to be screened on Monday the 8th at 12.15 am. The shortfilm has been invited to the festival along with 'A religiosa portugusa' after having been in the Ourense International Film Festival. Stone Island got the audience award for best shortfilm and the best actress and 'A religiosa portuguesa' got the best feature award.
We invite everyone to come and enjoy the films!

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Festival internacional de cine de ourense/ Ourense International Film Festival

O OUFF (Ourense International Film Festival) tivo lugar do 1 ao 9 de outubro de 2010 en Ourense.

Este supón o primeiro festival e as primeiras boas novas para Illa Pedra, que saiu contenta con estes premios acadados na sección de curtametraxes.
Premio Mellor Actriz. María Tasende
Premio do Público á Mellor Curtametraxe.

Gracias a todos os que fixéchedes que esto fose posible.
Agora só queda seguir adiante!

The Ourense International Film Festival was held from 1st til 9th of October 2010 in the Galician city of Ourense.
This is the first festival for Stone Island and the very first good news too. Stone Island got two awards in the shortfilm competition.
Best actress award for María Tasende.
Audience Award.
Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
We hope to be this lucky from now on!