O proxecto

Illa Pedra nace como proxecto de graduación do máster de dirección cinematográfica da escola de cine de Londres (LFS). O seu xerme é o poemario "Dende Illa Peixe" de Lara Dopazo. A pesares de ser un traballo de escola, a través das experiencias vividas "Illa Pedra" convírtese nalgo moito máis grande que só pode ter sido posible gracias á familia, amigos e equipo que uniron esforzos, amor e paciencia para embarcarse nesta curta.
Illa Pedra é amizade, cariño, pedra, familia, Galicia, pero, sobre todo, ese sentimento inexplicable da morriña.


Cando Antía se marcha de Santiago, Iria, síntese traicioada pola súa mellor amiga. Anos máis tarde, Antía volve de visita e ó atoparse coa súa amiga, as dúas son as de sempre, pero diferentes. Antía xa non ten unha vida alí, e Iria aínda non entende a súa decisión de abandoalo todo. Unha tarde como outra calquera, as dúas levan os seus sentimentos ao límite pero lembrando a poesía que sempre as uniu, enfróntanse aos seus medos e aprenden a entenderse. 

Stone Island was born as the graduation project for the MA in film making in the London Film School (LFS). Its inspiration is the poetry book "From Fish Island" written by Lara Dopazo. Although it was in the beginning just a school project, Stone Island has became bigger through all the process. This was only possible thanks to family, friends and crew that put together their energy, love and patience when they got involved in this journey.
Stone Island is friendship, caring, stone, family, Galicia but specially is that incomprehensible feeling og homesickness. 


When Antia leaves Santiago Iria feels she is being betrayed by her best friend. Years later, Antia comes back for visiting and when she meets with Iria they both feel the same but something has changed. Antia does not have a life there anymore and Iria still does not understand her decision of getting away. One afternoon, both expose their feelings but through the poetry that joins them, they will fight their fears and they will learn how to understand each other.