viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Entrevista cine Instituto español en Londres

Déixovos a entrevista que me fixeron os brillantes alumnos da clase de galego do Cañada Blanch, o instituto español en Londres, o 3 de febreiro.

Here is the interview that the brilliant students of Galician lessons from the Cañada Blanch (Spanish Institute in London) made me on the 3rd of February.

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Últimas novas sobre Illa Pedra:

- Illa pedra preseleccionada para os Mestre Mateo 2011
-In the list of possible Nominees Mestre Mateo 2011 (Galicia)

- O 3 de febreiro 2011 fun invitada a dar un obradoiro sobre cine no instituto español do Cañada Blanch de Londres, con referencias a Illa Pedra. Gracias a Xaime Varela, profesor de galego alí, pola invitación e a os nenos pola boa acollida!
- On the 3rd of February I was invited to do a workshop about cinema in Galicia in the Spanish Institute of London, Cañada Blanch. Among other films Illa Pedra will be discussed. Many Thanks to Xaime Varela, teacher of Galician Language in the school and to the children for their great welcoming!